Printing Your Own Decals For Model Making Projects
I spotted this video the other day, so I decided to put it here:
I spotted this video the other day, so I decided to put it here:
The first thing to be aware of is that Tamiya Acrylic Paint is not water-based acrylic. This blog post explains tips to effectively brush-paint with Tamiya acrylic paint, including what additives you’ll need to add to the paint.
I saw this video the other day. I like how he uses a Dice to decide what to scratch-build:
Scale model decals can ‘silver’ as they get older, unless you apply them with chemical aids and clear-coat over them correctly. ‘Silvering’ refers to the decals going a yellow colour or off-white
I stumbled across this below video the other evening. It is impressive! The entire build series playlist is here. Shout-out to Hobby World — your Terminator project is awesome!! Maybe one day
I’ve been looking at different ways to make ball and socket joints cheaply atm, vs buying expensive armature rigs. I want to include ball and socket joints into some of scratch-build figurines
I saw this video recently: Update 11/04/24: This is pretty neat:
I’ll post various videos I find that provide tips when model making:
There are some nice texturing examples in these videos:
Lorem Ispom duka, durr hurr durr har lasdhs fasdfd asdf.