
Iron Man and War Machine Artwork – Posca Paint Pens
I started this Iron Man and War Machine Artwork a few years ago for one of my cousins. Finally got time to finish it. My cousin really likes it. I painted it
Model Making Tips
I’ll post various videos I find that provide tips when model making:

Pump-action Slingshot – DIY Project I’d Like to Make
I would like to make this at some point. Would be a good bit of fun:
Adam Savage (and Tested) Build a REAL Starfield Starship! AND film it with Motion Control!
I do very much enjoy watching videos that Adam Savage and the Tested team create. I watched this video (below) the other night. I’ll add the other videos in this build-series to

Scratch Build the Butter Robot from Rick and Morty
I plan to make a few ‘Butter Robot‘ models very soon. As in the ‘Butter Robot’ (now known apparently as the ‘Purpose Robot’) from Rich and Morty. They will be for some

Inglourious Basterds Knife Replica
I saw this Adam Savage Tested video a little while ago. I would like to make a replica of this knife at some point. For the high-carbon steel, I might use an

My 1970/ 1971 Honda z50A K2 Mini Trail Monkey Bike to be Restored
At some point, I want to restore my 1970/ 1971 Honda z50A K2 Mini Trail Monkey Bike. I created the below video about it a few years ago. At that time I
Some Things I would Like to Print in 3D
I’ll keep a list here of things I would like to print with a 3D Printer: Knife, Scissors, Chisel & Razor Sharpener: Alien Predator BumbleBee’s Head