Space Shuttle Model – From an Old Kids Toy
I’ll turn this old Space Shuttle toy into a diorama. The project will involve modifying and repainting the shuttle toy and some scratch-building.
I’ll turn this old Space Shuttle toy into a diorama. The project will involve modifying and repainting the shuttle toy and some scratch-building.
I plan to make this with several 10-year-old youths very soon. I’ve already bought the Syringes. My plan is to have all the peices cut and ready to help the kids assemble one each.
I have an old Mosquito plane model that I put together as a kid. I start restoring this model in 2022. I will get back to this project at some point. I’ll
I do like WALL-E. If I ever find the time and/or want to spend the money on the electronics needed for this project I might build it. Hat off to the guy
This is probably one of the best ‘Homemade Cardboard Spray Booth’s’ I have seen on YouTube. I might make this or something like it at some point:
Here are a few Hot Wheels vehicle customisations I have watched on YouTube recently:
I saw this DIY Overhead Mobile Phone Mount on YouTube recently. I will make it soon (see the video below). I will add more information to this blog article once I’ve made
Panel lines add a lot of detail to a model. If you a new to model making you may not know why you need to be able to scribe panels lines. Some
Lorem Ispom duka, durr hurr durr har lasdhs fasdfd asdf.